PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713
PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713

Caregiving During a Pandemic

Caregiving During a Pandemic

“It is not the load that breaks you down,” said the singer Lena Horne, “It’s the way you carry it.” To care for another is an act of selflessness. Whether you are caring for another out of a sense of duty or love or both, it can be an exhausting experience. How are you carrying it? Within three, one-hour sessions, this memoir-writing workshop will guide you in telling your stories of caregiving in the time of pandemic. Each session will introduce a single craft element of the memoir form as well as provide you with a model text and a writing prompt to get you writing in a safe and supportive environment. There is no previous writing experience needed! Just an open mind and a willingness to write.

Please note that space is limited for this event. We will be mailing out a journal, please make sure to enter your correct mailing address. The deadline to register is April 28th to ensure those that registered will receive the journal in time.


May 25 2021


1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

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