PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713
PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713

Bx Caregiver Webinar on Advance Directives

Bx Caregiver Webinar on Advance Directives

Bronx caregivers, please join us and learn about the basics of advance directives such as a will, health care proxy, living will, and power of attorney (POA). These documents are essential if you want to leave things to your family, friends, or a charity. Advance directives are also helpful if you become incapacitated and you need someone to manage your medical and financial affairs. We will also discuss Article 81 guardianship proceedings, which may occur if one does not have advance planning documents in place.


Aug 10 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am

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