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Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713
PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713

America Divided: How Can We Heal?

America Divided: How Can We Heal?

The 2022 International Book Award for Best General Nonfiction has been awarded to American Schism: How the Two Enlightenments Hold the Secret to Healing Our Nation by Seth David Radwell. As Radwell eloquently presents in the book, our democracy is in crisis today and will remain so as long as we allow the extreme ends of the partisan spectrum to dominate our political debate.

Instead, Radwell proposes a new dialogue among those Americans who make up the exhausted majority, dedicated to a new threefold mission: 1. to educate the public about our country’s political history in the hopes of recommitting to our shared democratic values; 2. to re-establish a civil and rational discussion to replace our divisive contemporary political discourse; and 3. to commence the long process of healing our nation for future generations.

“The answers lie in our history — history can act as a salve for our wounds, if only we would apply it,” Radwell said.

We are excited to announce that the author has agreed to speak at this event. Seth Radwell, the author of American Schism, is an entrepreneur, business executive and recognized thought leader in consumer marketing.

“#FightUnreasonWithReason is a campaign with a concrete roadmap to restore sanity to our civic arena,” Radwell said. “I look forward to sharing my thoughts and discussing with you how we can heal the divide in our country and embark on a more productive path.”

The book is available wherever books are sold and for a limited time is on sale for $15.95 at Reading the book in advance will help inform the evening’s discussion. Everyone who registers will be entered for a chance to win a free copy of the book — we’re giving away five hard cover books.

Thursday, November 17 | 7-8 p.m. EST | FREE | via Zoom


Nov 17 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

More Info
