PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713
PSS's mission is to strengthen the capacity of older New Yorkers,

their families, and communities to thrive!

Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline: (866) 665-1713

PSS Circle of Care

Are you a Caregiver? Do you do one or more of these activities for a family member or a friend?

  1. Shop for food and/or cook meals?
  2. Check in by phone or in person to see if they are okay?
  3. Help with doctor’s appointments?
  4. Pay bills?
  5. Help with household chores and repairs?
  6. Provide emotional support?

If you answered YES to one or more of these, you may be a caregiver.

If you care for someone who is frail, chronically ill or has memory loss.. call (866) 665-1713 or fill out the form below to get FREE personalized support from a Care Consultant who:

  • Listens and talks with you about your caregiving challenges
  • Connects you to information and resources
  • Helps you relieve stress and frustration
  • Offers temporary time off with care in or outside the home
  • Invites you to a support group with other caregivers

PSS Circle of Care is supported in part by grants from the New York State Department of Health and the U.S. Administration on Aging’s National Family Caregiver Support Program through the New York City Department for the Aging.

Are you…

  • A grandparent or family member other than a parent raising a child 18 and under?
  • Under 18 years old and being raised by a grandparent or other relative?

If you answered YES to either of the questions above, we can provide you with valuable support at no cost.

PSS Circle of Care offers free services for grandparents and other family members raising grandchildren (Kinship Caregivers) in Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens.

We are here to help Kinship Families!

If you are a grandparent or family member raising a child we provide at no cost:

  • Help with adopting and guardianship options
  • Support groups
  • “Parenting a Second Time Around” workshops
  • Temporary time off and other services (where available)

Call 866-665-1713 or email to get support or more information.

PSS Circle of Care is supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging’s National Family Caregiver Support Program through the New York City Department for the Aging.

If you are a kinship caregiver or caring for a loved one who is frail, chronically ill or has memory loss, you can contact PSS Circle of Care for free information and confidential support:

    Care Stations

    Meet with one of our professional Care Consultants at a location that is convenient for you, including one of our Care Stations.

    For more information, contact us at (866) 665-1713.


    • New York Memory Center
      199 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
      Care Consultant: Medge Adam – (917) 885-5745

    Support Groups

    Our Caregiver support groups are facilitated by one of our professional Care Consultants and give you an opportunity to meet in person, virtually or by phone with other Caregivers to share information and discuss the challenges and rewards of caregiving. Contact us at (866) 665-1713 for more information.

    To view current active events and support groups for Caregivers, please view our Events page.

    The PSS Circle of Care Dementia Friendly Community model builds the capacity of the community to better understand and support people living with dementia and their caregivers.

    Learn about Dementia Raw, founded by the Silver Dawn Training Institute, PSS Circle of Care’s free, interactive communications workshop for families caring for someone with memory loss.

    Clinical Trial Tool

    PSS Circle of Care Facts!

    PSS Circle of Care offers services to caregivers who care for frail, chronically ill or those that suffer from memory loss and to Kinship Caregivers who raise children for relative or non-relative families.

    During Fiscal Year 2019 we provided…

    units of Case Assistance, Information and Referrals
    Caregiving Families received help & support
    Support Group Sessions for Caregivers
    Community Presentations & Events


    The Tele-Chat Support Group has been a “lifeline ” to me as a caregiver. The weekly chats facilitated by Madison and Medge have connected me to a community of caregivers; all of which have shared similar experiences of love, commitment, frustration, uncertainty endurance, and dedication about someone who has left a memorable impact of our lives but, yet is quickly slipping into the abyss of the devastating diseases of Alzheimer or Dementia. Both Medge and Madison have displayed a level of professionalism that has been supportive and resourceful. The experiences of chatting with Medge, Madison, and the community “on hand”, have left me with strategies and information that ” jolts” the lifeline.


    When my partner, Terry was diagnosed with vascular dementia and early onset progressive dementia at the age of 51 my world went into chaos. Frantically looking for answers, direction, what next?…Help!

    I was lost, scared, unprepared and very alone. Until, I stumbled upon PSS Circle of Care and Jenny and Julie. I was given resources and tools to help me figure things out. They’ve provided much needed respite care. I’ve attended many wonderful seminars, webinars, events and support sessions making many new friends sharing my journey.

    Being a caregiver usually means your needs come last. It also gives you the persistent strength to research and question everything PSS has made this process tolerable. I tell everyone about the great things they do and share what I’ve learned. I want to help and am proud to be an Ambassador of PSS because I know there are more “me’s” out there looking for these same supports and PSS has all the resources. Thank you PSS for welcoming me into your family.

    Linda D.

    Dearest Diana, THANK YOU, I have no words to express my gratitude. You have been a true angel. The respite hours I got gave me a grandiose break and relief to energize. Best choice sent me wonderful home attendants. And, I am grateful with Winifred, she is an amazing, knowledgeable, caring and sharp coordinator. I am blessed for all you have done for dad and me.


    PSS Circle of Care has been a life saver. The care consultant’s professionalism and responsiveness is unmatched. I called and she leaped into action. Out of all of the people I called, Circle of Care was the one which was really there to provide relief for my family, and I no longer have to worry. I tell everyone about the services and how great the organization is. It’s really been a blessing.

    Parniece R.

    PSS has assisted me and my care giving duties in a fashion no other support group has! Via PSS I was provided invaluable information for the care of my mother via NHTD program and how to refer her case, home security camera for my Mother’s place gifted to me for keeping an eye on her and her care, monthly outings with Mother to Piece-of-Cake at Memory Cafe and an insightful rejuvenating outing just for me and other caregivers for a day of Reiki healing and meditation at local library. I enjoy and welcome most of all the genuine caring attitudes of all the staff members with whom I have interacted from the first call I made to PSS!

    Angelita R.

    Read more testimonials.

    PSS Circle of Care Mailing List

    PSS Circle of Care provides support to those who care for someone who is frail, chronically ill or has memory loss. We also offer support to kinship caregivers, a family member other than a birth parent raising a child. Kinship youth under 18 years of age, can receive support through our Youth & Young Adults Services program which provides enrichment, guidance and support to inspire them to reach their goals and succeed. By joining this list, you will have access to information on our upcoming events (e.g., webinars, expos, and workshops), resources, news, and other initiatives.

    Newsletters Archive

    To view all of our previous e-newsletters, including Coming of Age & Coming of Age NYC, visit our Newsletters Archive.